welcome to I-SMILE CyberMadrasah.

Thank you for coming to ISMILE, Here are some note and news

Computer Science Education Week 2013




This week is shaping up to be the biggest Computer Science Education Week yet. The annual event, meant to promote computer programming education worldwide, is focusing on a new “Hour of Code” initiative powered by the non-profit Code.org. The goal: To give students a taste of coding with an hour-long program. President Obama records a video message in support of Computer Science Education Week, an annual grassroots campaign dedicated to highlighting the importance of computer science education for K-12 students. 5 million students across 33,000 classrooms in 167 countries are signed up to take part in the Hour of Code, which offers self-guided material to be used on tablets, smartphones, and computers. The initiative has also gathered tremendous support across the technology world, with more than 100 partners including Apple, Google, Microsoft, Disney, and others. President Obama added in his video statement: “Don’t just buy a new video game, make one. Don’t just download the latest app, help design it. Don’t just play on your phone, program it.” “Although only 10 percent of schools teach computer science classes, even one hour of exposure can be enough to change a student’s life, as it did mine.” Code.org founder Hadi Partovi said in a statement today. “In the 21st Century, this isn’t just a course you study to get a job in software – it’s important to learn even if you want to be a nurse, a journalist, an accountant, a lawyer or even a president. http://venturebeat.com/2013/12/08/president-obama-kicks-off-cs-education...


Bahasa Indonesia Translation Needed


There are 23 million native speakers and 140 million second-language speakers of Bahasa worldwide. Imagine if all of them had access to Khan Academy’s free online lessons and skills! We’re dedicating December to translating Khan Academy into Bahasa. Would you like to help launch Khan Academy’s Bahasa site? You can help even if you only have a few minutes: Translate a few sentences Our Bahasa translators have already made great strides toward building their very own Bahasa Khan Academy (an Alpha Site). With 5% of high priority content and a whopping 80% of high priority platform translated, nothing can stop this community. They’ve also managed to subtitle 167 videos. To finish the job we need you this month! You can follow the progress of the website’s translation here and subtitles here. Or just start translating! Look forward to making Khan Academy available to the Bahasa-speaking world,









